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Mais Jogo :: Mais Futebol !

O Futebol espetáculo joga-se aqui: Mais Jogo, é Mais Futebol.Veja e reveja as jogadas mais espetaculares!


Monday, May 12, 2008

Paulo Bento ainda não conseguiu fazer do Sporting campeão, mas é um treinador “Champions”. Sob o seu comando técnico, os leões asseguraram pela terceira vez consecutiva o acesso directo à Liga dos Campeões, sempre atrás do FC Porto.

No entanto, o desempenho na época passada não é comparável ao da que ora finda, na qual o Sporting se quedou a 20 pontos do campeão. O mesmo adversário com o qual se bateu na época passada pelo título até à última jornada, somando menos um ponto (68 contra 69) ao fim das 30 jornadas.

Há um dado estatístico que explica essa diferença: em 2006/07, o Sporting não perdeu um único jogo fora de casa, vencendo nove e empatando seis; em 2007/08, os leões perderam sete jogos fora de casa, o que corresponde a 21 pontos. Demolidor. Um candidato ao título não pode desperdiçar tantos pontos pelos relvados alheios.

Esse foi um factor determinante que afastou prematuramente o Sporting do título, para além da fantástica época realizada pelo FC Porto.

De resto, o registo em casa é semelhante ao da época passada, na qual o Sporting somou 11 vitórias contra 12 esta época, 2 empates contra 3 esta época, e 2 derrotas contra nenhuma esta época. Fez até um pouco melhor, tendo em conta que somou 39 pontos em casa contra 36 da época passada.

O “calcanhar de Aquiles” foi a prestação da equipa nos jogos fora, tanto mais surpreendente quando tinha sido o seu ponto forte na época transacta.

De realçar, ainda, que ao alcançar o 2.º lugar pela terceira época consecutiva, o Sporting obtém um registo histórico: nunca tinha sido vice-campeão em três anos consecutivos. Foi 2.º em 38/39 e 39/40, em 41/42 e 42/43, e em 59/60 e 60/61.


Aguirre: 'Hablaré del futuro cuando acabe la Liga'

Javier Aguirre se mostró muy serio después del partido que certificó la clasificación del Atlético para la Liga de Campeones. "Es mérito de los jugadores", dijo en un tono apagado, que contrastaba con la alegría en las gradas. El entrenador del Deportivo, tras la derrota por 1-0 felicitó a los rojiblancos, pero matizó que, quien no supiera cómo iba la Liga, habría pensado, por el juego desplegado, que el equipo de Champions era el Depor.

Javier Aguirre: "Era nuestra obligación. El equipo se marcó este objetivo al comienzo de la temporada y sólo cumplió su deber. Todavía queda un partido en Valencia y no pienso hablar de mi futuro hasta que pase. Me contrataron para esto. La gente que criticó al equipo está en su derecho".

Diego Forlán: "Lo que ha sucedido es para todos algo muy lindo. Ahora hay que disfrutar y no buscar noticias ni nada raro [sobre la continuidad de Aguirre]. Los que tengan que hablar, hablarán, pero ahora es el momento de festejar. [Agüero y yo] tenemos un contrato firmado. Seguro que seguimos. Me siento muy a gusto en una linda ciudad y en un gran club".

Leo Franco: "Uno siempre tiene que ser claro. Y al equipo, en el que incluyo a jugadores y cuerpo técnico, se le encargó un objetivo al principio de temporada, que era meternos en la Liga de Campeones, y lo hemos logrado. A partir de ahí habrá que sentarse a ver cual es el futuro. La afición se merece que el equipo se encuentre ahí. Empezamos este ciclo hace cuatro años y es una buena noticia. Viene ahora lo más difícil. Tratar de mantener al equipo siempre en Europa. Vamos a disfrutar, estar tranquilos sabiendo que durante dos años seguidos hemos metido al equipo en las competiciones continentales".

Maxi Rodríguez: "Ha sido una jornada de mucho sufrimiento, pero de mucha alegría. A pesar de que la temporada ha sido muy larga, al final hemos cumplido el objetivo que nos marcamos. La fiesta queda en la intimidad del grupo, sobre todo después de tanto sufrimiento y tensión, lo celebraremos esta semana. Esta plantilla empieza a llevar al Atlético donde merece su gente. Se ha demostrado que muchas críticas han estado de más y este equipo tiene suficiente temperamento para sacar esto adelante".

Miguel Angel Lotina: "Me queda un buen sabor de boca en cuanto a lo que hemos hecho en el campo. Con el balón hemos estado muy bien y defensivamente hemos estado fuertes. No hemos hecho gol, pero el equipo ha atacado bien y me voy satisfecho. Seguimos con el mismo objetivo [la Intertoto] y creo que lo lograremos en la última jornada. Hemos tenido más posesión de balón que un equipo de Liga de campeones. Felicito al Atlético, porque se merece estar en champions, pero alguien que no supiese como está la clasificación hubiese dudado de quién es el que está en Liga de Campeones".


El Zaragoza maldice su puntería ante el campeón

El Real Madrid rebañó de chiripa un empate de Zaragoza que deja al equipo maño penando en el purgatorio para el juicio final en Mallorca. El 2-2 final no hizo justicia al angustioso esfuerzo de un grupo local que maldijo su puntería en una marabunta de ocasiones. La delantera maña -Sergio García, Óscar, Milito...- se empecinó en un despilfarro constante ante la portería de Dudek.

Presentó Schuster una alineación para dar batalla y credibilidad a esto de la lucha por el descenso y callar a los suspicaces. Sólo Casillas, Pepe y Raúl se cayeron entre los titulares indiscutibles. El campeón, sobrado a la contra ante la empanada mental zaragozista a la hora de tirar el fuera de juego, creó un incendio en cada llegada en el primer acto... pero no pisó a fondo el pedal en el segundo.

El Zaragoza se ve cada vez más cerca del cementerio y por eso juega con el pulsómetro al límite... Perdonó lo imperdonable en una película de suspense que convirtió la Romareda en un manicomio. En definitiva, la función deparó un espectáculo entretenido en el césped y en la grada, pendiente por radio de lo que hacían los otros implicados en el purgatorio.

Los Matuzalem, Milito, Oliveira y el derroche de Sergio García -tremendo en su desgaste y entrega, pero negado completamente ante el gol-, pusieron a prueba a Cannavaro y al olvidado Metzelder. Lo hicieron todo para ganar... intimidaron y superaron a golpe de testosterona a los visitantes, pero fueron escopetas de feria en el área. Más le hubiese valido tener la pluma afilada de Aimar, casi recién salido de una lesión, en mejor estado.

Tanto como la puntería de de su delantera, que desesperó a los suyos en una procesión de calamidades delante del suplente Dudek. Eso sí, el malabarista argentino hizo lo mejor en una de las artes que no domina: el cabezazo -uno se le fue por centímetros y otro se estrelló en el palo siempre llegando desde segunda línea-, antes de ser sustituido en la segunda mitad por Gabi. Sergio García, el hombre del partido para lo bueno -fantástico el centro del primer gol y en encarar al rival- y para lo malo, lo intentó de todas las formas que sabe, pero lo echó a perder en la suerte suprema -el gol- los varios boquetes que creó a la defensa.

La segunda parte acentuó más las diferencias entre uno que se juega la cabeza y otro, simplemente la honrilla. El Zaragoza, con la tensión de un condenado a muerte, echó todo lo que tenía en la caldera. Se tiró al cuello del campeón y lo zarandeó. Cercó con empuje a un equipo relajado y no lo tumbó de puro milagro. Se sucedieron muchos momentos que reclamaron el protagonismo de un acertado Dudek, al que conviertieron en el mejor elemento de los campeones. El Zaragoza no merecía morir de esa manera por semejante actitud.

El Madrid se agarró a la maldición ante la puerta del Zaragoza y de los contagolpes mortales, su más rentable especialidad. Higuaín y Guti se entendieron a ratos a la perfección ayudados por los nervios y el ansia local. Y en una de esas, Higuaín y Robinho convirtieron La Romareda en un funeral. El 'Pipita', crecido en sus heroismos recientemente ganados, soltó un pase magistral con la defensa maña abierta de para en par para que Robinho mandara a César a por tabaco con una vaselina de arte y sutileza.

Cuando más apretaban a la desesperada, los locales encontraron un mínimo de justicia en la enésima ocasión delante de Dudek. Y fue un defensa -Sergio Fernández- quién dio la esperanza del empate ante la dimisión en pleno de sus delanteros. Seguidamente, Dudek sacó otro mano a mano milagroso al 'buenazo' de Sergio García. Para cortarse las venas.

Los triunfos de sus más directos rivales, Recreativo y Osasuna, vuelven a meter al grupo maño en descenso, obligados a ganar en Mallorca para salvarse. Quién lo iba a decir de un presunto candidato a Champions por plantilla y que cuenta con una nómina de argentinos de primerísimo orden. La mejor noticia para los aragoneses es que dependen de sí mismos por el duelo de la muerte Recre-Valladolid, dos implicados en la guillotina.

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Man Utd's Cristiano Ronaldo wants 50 goals

Cristiano Ronaldo, Manchester United's Portuguese winger, has said he will try to score 50 goals next season after his eye-catching haul this year.

Ronaldo, 23, who last night retained both the fans' and players' player of the year awards at United for the second successive season, has scored 41 goals this season as he has propelled the club to a second successive Premier League title as well as next week's Champions League final in Moscow.

The Portuguese player said: "Fifty? I don't know. I'll try my best.

"I don't look for goals, I look to play well and if the goals are coming, it's good."

Ronaldo admitted that he was not able to express how he felt after winning back-to-back Premier League title: "Sometimes you don't have the words to say what it feels like to be a champion. It's amazing.

"I would have preferred it if it was at Old Trafford because the atmosphere would have been brilliant but we won at the JJB and it's very good to be champions.

"I feel very proud, very happy, everything."

The Portuguese international, in his fifth season at Old Trafford, claimed that the team were worthy winners of a tenth Premier League crown.

He said: "The pressure was high, but we believed in ourselves and we deserved to win the title, definitely.

"This was a team effort and I think we deserved it because we are the best team in the Premier League.

"It is a tough Premier League this season but when the referee finished the game and you can say 'we are champions now' the feeling is great, because we worked for nine months to win this title."

Ronaldo is now switching his attention to next week's Moscow showdown as Sir Alex Ferguson looks to win a second European Cup.

He said: "It's going to be fantastic if we win the Champions League. The feeling is going to be amazing if we win.

"In the final you never know, it is 50-50. I'm very happy and proud to play in the final, this is my first time. I feel very excited, the lads have belief and it is a great opportunity for all of the players. The lads want to win and of course I want to win as well.

"We have a great opportunity. Why not? I'm sure in this game that if you have the opportunity to win, you win."


Ryan Giggs caps another championship season

Wigan Athletic (0) 0 Manchester United (1) 2

How gloriously appropriate that Manchester United's match-winners yesterday, the men who swept them to a deserved Premier League title, were Cristiano Ronaldo, the Footballer of the Year, and Ryan Giggs, the embodiment of all that is good about this special club.

No fear tempers the movement of Ronaldo or Giggs, such thrilling creatures of sustained invention, such magnificent ambassadors for Sir Alex Ferguson's attacking game-plan. These heirs to the sporting tradition of George Best certainly delivered for United yesterday, Ronaldo with a ruthless penalty and Giggs with a nerveless finish.

Any newcomers to footballing circles seeking guidance about United's personality need pointing only in the direction of their goalscorers on a triumphant day in the thunder, rain and lightning. United mix the cocksure swagger of Ronaldo and the loyalty of Giggs.

Anyone questioning whether United were worthy winners of the trophy also needed pointing towards Ronaldo and Giggs. These are the individuals who quicken the pulse, who fill grounds with admirers and hearts with hope. These are the talents who make inflated ticket prices worthwhile, who turn all those long motorway journeys into reverie on wheels.

If Ronaldo acted the spoilt child at times yesterday, slamming his palms against the pitch like a Portuguese Violet Elizabeth if the referee did not agree with him, then Giggs was all grace. Coming off the bench to help United protect a lead secured by Ronaldo, Giggs celebrated equalling Sir Bobby Charlton's record of 758 appearances for United with a fine finish, sliding the ball calmly past the outstanding Chris Kirkland.

As the final whistle went, as Wayne Rooney sank to his knees and Ronaldo looked to the heavens, Rio Ferdinand led the fans' singing. "That boy Giggsy - he won it 10 times," chanted Ferdinand with the visiting hordes, jubilating in the winger's astonishing number of titles.

Afterwards, Ferguson made a fascinating remark about Giggs, saying he was worried about the deluge's effect on the pitch and that the "soft ground" might not suit Giggs, as if he were some thoroughbred racehorse.

As Ferguson and all of a red hue revelled in the moment, thoughts needed sparing for two vanquished, but admirable blue-bedecked adversaries, Wigan Athletic and first Chelsea. After Liverpool and then Arsenal fell away, Avram Grant's side stopped a title race becoming a procession. Chelsea deserve widespread praise for giving the season's last gleaming such an epic glow.

As well as knowing they themselves gave everything, Chelsea's players can also take comfort from the knowledge that Wigan ran themselves into their sodden new pitch. Wigan had only pride to play for but did themselves, the town and the Premier League proud.

Of course, suggestions of collusion were always going to be wide of the mark. Anyone who genuinely believed that Steve Bruce might be tempted to tell his players to go easy on his former club clearly does not know what makes the Wigan manager tick. He did not acquire a nose sculpted like Scafell Pike without being committed, without giving everything at every occasion. Every Wigan player and fan breathed defiance against their famous visitors before, sportingly, staying on to salute the champions.

Kirkland excelled in goal. In midfield, Wilson Palacios embellished his reputation. Bruce also enhanced his standing as a man of integrity and a manager of substance.

Rocked back by the hunger of Bruce's players, United were desperately lucky to turn around a goal clear and with a full complement. When thunder and lightning reverberated around the JJB Stadium, it could have emanated from Ferguson such was his animated mood. Marcus Bent found the side-netting, Emmerson Boyce shot over, Michael Brown shot wide.

The locals loved it, willing Wigan on as United laboured. It took a defensive mistake, Boyce's awkward challenge on Rooney, to allow the champions through. Steve Bennett pointed immediately to the spot, and Ronaldo took control. He had missed against Barcelona. He had every Wigan fan screaming blue murder at him.

But he is not the double Player of the Year for nothing, and he calmly slotted the ball to Kirkland's left and set off on a long celebratory run. As a roar emerged from the visitors' end, pandemonium reigned in the main stand where pockets of United fans revealed themselves.

Wigan's mood hardly improved when Scholes flew in on Palacios. Already booked for a foul on the Wigan midfielder, Scholes resembled a hot-headed teenager, rather than an experienced thirtysomething, as he dumped Palacios on the pitch. Amazingly, Bennett contented himself with a lengthy lecture of Scholes.

If Chelsea had a legitimate grievance yesterday, it was with Bennett, who then denied Wigan a penalty when Ferdinand handled Jason Koumas' shot. Yet United could also point out that Titus Bramble went in rashly on Scholes, but Bennett deemed it legal.

United impressed as the second half opened. Nemanja Vidic headed wide. Kirkland defied Rooney and Carlos Tevez. Then came news of Andrei Shevchenko's goal. United hesitated and Wigan went for the jugular as if it were they who were in contention for the title.

Ferguson rang the changes, and Giggs' arrival proved inspired. As the ball hit the net, Ferguson danced down the touchline like a grandfather late on at a family wedding. The party began.

Chelsea fans will claim Paul Scholes was lucky not to be sent off against Wigan. He was booked by Steve Bennett after 13 minutes for a poor challenge on Wilson Palacios.

Nine minutes before the break the referee issued a final warning after Scholes blocked Palacios' run down the right side, but showed leniency. Sir Alex Ferguson took him off midway through the second half.

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Porto's Jose Bosingwa joins Chelsea for £16m

Portguese international full-back Jose Bosingwa will join Chelsea in a deal worth just over £16 million pounds.

Boswinga, 25, will join former Porto team-mates - and international colleagues - Paulo Ferreiro and Ricardo Carvalho at Stamford Bridge four years after Jose Mourinho brought the defenders to London with him.

Chelsea released a statement saying: "Chelsea Football Club can confirm it has reached an agreement with FC Porto for the transfer of Jose Bosingwa.

"The player is now in England to discuss personal terms and undergo a medical."

Bosingwa became a first-team regular at Porto following Ferreira's move to Chelsea, after Mourinho had signed him from Boavista in 2003.

Born in Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Bosingwa has won six caps for Portugal since making his international debut last year.

A statement on Porto's website read: "FC Porto has informed the market it has reached an agreement in principle with Chelsea for the transfer, permanently, of the rights of membership of the sport athlete Jose Bosingwa, at a price of €20.5 million.

"The agreement on this transfer will be formalised once the athlete completes medical examinations, with the consent of FC Porto, Futebol SAD."

Manchester United were rumoured to have made a similar offer for Bosingwa last week, while Chelsea reportedly bid £55 million for Real Madrid full-back Sergio Ramos according to Spanish newspaper El Pais, but the signing of Boswinga represents Avram Grant's third prominent signing since replacing Mourinho as Chelsea manager.

Nicolas Anelka and Branislav Ivanovic joined the Champions League finalists during the January transfer window, and the recruitment of Bosingwa signals the start of Chelsea's planning for next season's assault on the Premier League, two years after they successfully defended their title.

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